Tawnia joined Crescent Financial as a Receptionist in October 2021, after a hiatus from the working world. Prior to coming back to work, she enjoyed spending her time and days as a Stay at Home Mom to her daughter. She has worked in an office setting for a combined 15 years and enjoys the atmosphere it brings.
Tawnia is a self-proclaimed Cat Lady, and has 3 of her own. She enjoys being outside, spending time with her friends and family, and drinking way too much coffee. One of her favorite places to spend time at in Winnipeg is The Forks, as there are multiple coffee shops for her to enjoy, and even worked as a Barista for a little while.
Tawnia has lived in several different places, including Ontario, and a few different places in Manitoba. She was born and raised in Winnipeg, and is happy to be residing here once again with her daughter Cora.